Independently Tested

Does Aldi’s PurAqua Water Have Fluoride?

If you shop at Aldi, you’re probably wondering if Aldi’s PurAqua water has fluoride?

And I don’t blame you, it’s a great question to ask considering fluoride’s toxic nature. So let’s get straight into the answer…

Does Aldi’s Puraqua Water Have Fluoride?

aldi's puraqua bottled water, purified and Italian mineral water

Now what better way to answer this question than to buy some of Aldi’s PurAqua water and personally test it with a fluoride meter.

Just like we did with Volvic, a semi-premium brand, which in does Volvic water have fluoride – surprisingly contained 0.2 ppm of fluoride.

So let’s find out about PurAqua…

aldi's puraqua bottled water tested for fluoride, 0.0 ppm

According to the fluoride meter, Aldi’s PurAqua purified water and Italian mineral water are fluoride-free as the test results showed both bottles contain 0.0 ppm of fluoride.

A quite impressive result that would rank Aldi’s Puraqua very well at bottled water without fluoride (link to where you can search the fluoride content of 127+ brands of bottled water).

Especially when you consider their Italian mineral water contains 0.0 ppm of fluoride which is a hard thing to accomplish for many natural waters, since many of them are starting to become polluted with fluoride.

But before we get carried away, here’s one last thing…

Best Bottled Water Without Fluoride?

Fluoride levels are just one of many things to consider when choosing what brand of bottled water to drink.

For example, it’s possible a brand can be low in fluoride but be high in other toxic substances like plastic, arsenic, or even PFAS.

So to make your life much easier, I’ve put together a list of the best bottled water and combined that with the fluoride levels of 127+ brands of bottled water.

And all you have to do is enter your email below and I’ll send it to you right away!

Enter your email below to receive the list of the best brands of bottled water!

bottled water

This way not only do you know how much fluoride is in each and every brand of bottled water.

But you’ll also know which brands are the safest and healthiest to drink.

Anyways, that’s all for now… Cheers!

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Casey J Krol

Casey J Krol

The guy exposing the truth about fluoride, one great article at a time. Now if you’d like to support what I do, click the “donate” button below. While for any questions, use the other buttons to get in touch with me (IG or Twitter). Better yet, sign up with your email on the website and get access to my personal email.

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