Evidence Based

Does Your Toothpaste Have Fluoride? (Search 132+ Toothpastes)

We’re told fluoride in toothpaste is good for our teeth, but is this actually true?!!

An answer you’ll be suprised to hear…

In addition, at the end of the article we’ll go through several other ingredients you don’t want in your toothpaste.

NOTE: Truth About Fluoride is reader-supported. When you buy through links on the site, I may earn a commission (every product is bought, tested & used by myself. With only the best being recommended)

Fluoride In Toothpaste

If you take a look at a tube of fluoride toothpaste, you’ll be greeted with a poison warning along these lines:

“Do not swallow. If more than is used for brushing is accidently swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Centre immediately ”

That’s because the FDA requires a poison warning on all fluoride toothpaste sold in the USA.

fluoride toothpaste poison warning

The reason for this warning is that many children have experienced acute fluoride poisoning (gastric pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, and other flu-like symptoms) due to swallowed toothpaste while brushing.1,2

Now you might be confused, isn’t fluoride supposed to be good for us?

Well that’s what we’re told but organizations like the CDC and Research Council of Canada have made it clear, that any effect fluoride has on cavities is through contact with teeth and not through ingestion.3,4

This means fluoride should never be swallowed.

With this in mind, even if you don’t swallow any toothpaste, the mouth is very absorbent and can act as a gateway into your bloodstream for fluoride and many other toxic substances.

Fluoride Toothpaste Side Effects

Risks from ingesting fluoride toothpaste include dental fluorosis (permanent tooth discoloration), stomach ailments, acute toxicity, skin rashes, and impairment in glucose metabolism.

woman with perioral dermatitis

Not to mention, toothpaste may contribute to other fluoride health effects like skeletal fluorosis (pain and stiffness in bones and joints), pineal gland calcification (lack of melatonin production which leads to several health issues) and fluoride induced brain damage.

While some people might have visible symptoms of fluoride exposure from toothpaste:

  • Red skin rash around the mouth5,6,7
  • Mouth ulcers / canker sores8
  • Hives9
  • Acne10

What Happens To Teeth Without Fluoride?

One of the most frequent questions I get is, what happens when you stop using fluoride toothpaste?

Plain and simple, nothing happens as long as you continue brushing your teeth.

That’s because your body does NOT need fluoride in order to prevent cavities.

Now once upon a time, dentists believed ingesting fluoride was necessary for the development of healthy teeth and a “fluoride deficiency” would cause cavities (just like an iron deficiency leads to hair loss).

But we now know fluoride is not an essential nutrient (a.k.a. your body does not need it) and the fluoride content of a tooth has little influence on on whether that tooth will develop a cavity. 11

family brushing their teeth

Furthermore, cavities still develop in high risk individuals of all ages, regardless of the dose of fluoride used.12,13

That’s because preventing cavities depends on many other factors and none of them include fluoride.

Think about it, if a lack of fluoride is not a cause of cavities so why would the addition/use of fluoride be a cure?

Not to mention, millions of people (including myself) have switched to fluoride-free toothpaste and are experiencing great dental health.

But with what we’re told, you’d expect our teeth to rot away and be filled with cavities…

However, that’s not the case.

Does Your Toothpaste Have Fluoride? (Search 132+ Toothpastes)

Finding whether your toothpaste contains fluoride is usually easy.

All you have to do is look at the ingredients or the description on the box.

But there are a few brands that don’t make it that easy, so you’ll be able find the answer below.

This table will tell you if your toothpaste is fluoride-free and if it’s approved (fluoride free + does not contain any other toxic ingredients).

Tips On Using The Table

1. Use The Search Bar

Input the brand and type/flavor into the search bar to look up the exact toothpaste you have.

fluoride in toothpaste table tip 1: use the search bar

2. Use The Approved Filter

To find a fluoride-free toothpaste and one that does not include any other toxic ingredients (more on this later) click on the “Approved?” filter and select “YES”.

Each approved toothpaste will have its name in blue, which you can click on and it’ll bring you to Amazon, where you can buy the exact type of toothpaste.

fluoride in toothpaste table tip 2: sort through approved brands using the approved filter

Fluoride In Toothpaste Table (Search 132+ Toothpastes)

So without further adieu, here’s the table…

Does Fluoride Help With Remineralization?

One of the main reasons why fluoride is in toothpaste is that it’s supposed to help with remineralization.

A natural repair process where calcium and phosphate are re-added to teeth through saliva, where demineralization has occurred (the removal of minerals from teeth).

remineralization and demineralization of teeth process

However, the problem with many “studies” is that they don’t tell us if fluoride properly helps with remineralization.

Of course fluoride is present in this process if you use fluoride toothpaste, since it reacts with positively charged ions like calcium within your mouth.

This is why almost all of fluoride’s health effects revolve around calcium rich parts of the body (bones, teeth, pineal gland, etc.).

Now if you were to look at fluoride’s effects on the bones, you’ll see that it “helps” and is present in the bone building process. But the bone it builds is weaker and more prone to breaking, compared to naturally built bone.14

However, in the eyes of pro-fluoride folks they would tell you fluoride helps build bone.

This is the same logic applied to fluoride in toothpaste and its “benefits” to teeth.

So does it “help” with remineralization… sure it does. But one can only assume it’s an inferior outcome to what your body can naturally do and has been doing for thousands of years.

How To Protect Your Teeth?

To properly remineralize and protect your teeth, you have to do two things: give your body the nutrients it needs to remineralize and stop damaging your teeth.

Now considering 44.1% of Americans are deficient in calcium, it would be a good idea to make sure you’re not deficient in one of the most important nutrients for remineralization.15

Doing this will do much more for your dental health than using any fluoride product.

However, there’s much more to know so I suggest you get on my email list.

That’s where I share a lot of information including an email on “how to prevent cavities without fluoride”. And you can find the email sign up form on the water filters that remove fluoride article.

The Hidden Fluoride-Free Toothpaste Study

An aboriginal boy holding his baby brother in Northern Territory, Australia

This information doesn’t fit into the mainstream narrative, as a result, it gets ignored or labelled as “uncredible”.

Of course what I’m talking about is the research of Dr. Weston Price (the first research director of the National Dental Association which later became the American Dental Association).

Now long story short, Dr. Price aimed to figure out what made people healthy and in order to do so, he travelled the world looking for the healthiest people he could find.

He analyzed their lifestyle choices that made them healthy and judged their health on the amount of cavities they had.

What was remarkable (but normal for them), was that these people who did not use toothbrushes, chemical-based mouthwashes or drink fluoride, barely had any cavities.

So what was their secret?

Well it clearly wasn’t fluoride and that’s the main point.

But if you’re curious, their secret was the food they ate. Their diets were especially high in calcium, phosphate and other fat soluble vitamins like A, D, and K.

Why You Shouldn’t Use Fluoride Toothpaste

In addition to everything you’ve read, here are a couple other flaws of fluoride in toothpaste.

Fluoride is also advertised as a substance that kills bacteria within the mouth.

However, now that we now know that there is “good” and “bad” in our mouths, how do you think fluoride effects the “good” bacteria?

Since there’s a lack of research on this, my guess is that fluoride, a substance used to kill (commonly used as a pesticide, fumigant and rat poison) and has no life-promoting characteristics (thus the non-essential nutrients status) most likely has a negative effect on the “good” bacteria in your mouth.

sodium fluoroacetate

Just like antibiotics, it’s likely that fluoride takes the nuclear bomb approach and destroys all bacteria, instead of only the bad.

Something that can’t possibly be good for you in the long-run, thankfully you can avoid this by using more natural ingredient based toothpastes.

Furthermore, another con of fluoride is in order for it to work best, it needs to be present in our mouths. So once you wash it away, most of its effects disappear.

This is why many pro-fluoride people tell their followers to NOT rinse after brushing their teeth.

But what this means is that you’d also be swallowing fluoride-rich salvia since it’s not rinsed away.

Why Children Should Avoid Fluoride In Toothpaste

child brushing their teeth

They say they care about our children but this is hard to believe.

We know fluoride is toxic, as we’ve even seen the FDA requires a warning on fluoride toothpaste.

Yet toothpaste manufacturers use cartoon packaging and child-appealing flavors to market adult-strength fluoride toothpaste to children. Plus the dental community fails to warn us of the dangers of swallowing too much fluoride toothpaste.

And throw in the fact children have a poorly developed swallow reflex, it’s guaranteed that large amounts of fluoride toothpaste will be swallowed.

To no surprise, the Journal of Public Health Dentistry stated: “Virtually all authors have noted that some children could ingest more fluoride from toothpaste alone than is recommended as a total daily fluoride ingestion”.16

Mixed that in with the minimal to non-existent dental benefits, and fluoride in toothpaste should be a strong pass for every child.

Other Issues With Toothpaste

I don’t see the point of warning you about fluoride and not mention the other toxic ingredients found in toothpaste.

Especially since they’re so easy to avoid.

Now one main reason toothpaste poses a big health issue is because it’s regulated as a cosmetic product, and not as a food.

This means the standard of safety for toothpaste is much lower than what we have for food additives, which is already pretty low and unhealthy. Essentially, this leads to almost anything being added as an ingredient.

So here are the other toxic ingredients you should avoid in toothpaste:

  • hydrated silica,
  • sorbitol, 
  • sodium saccharin, 
  • titanium dioxide, 
  • glycerin, 
  • sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate,
  • Fluoride
  • Carrageenan
  • PEG-8, PEG/PPG
  • Artificial color (ex, blue 1, yellow 10)

If you’re confused which toothpaste is good, use the table above, you’ll be able to find brands that are 100% safe and approved by Truth About Fluoride.

But if you want a quick recommendation, here are my favorite brands: Redmond, Dr. Bronner’s, & Weleda (in that exact order).

Inconsistent Advice

First we were told we should drink, eat, and even supplement with fluoride.

But now we know that any effect fluoride has is topical (contact with teeth).

This means any and all fluoride that was consumed did not help our teeth but actually contributed to many of fluoride’s negative health effects.

Sadly enough, if you were to speak out and say this, you would have been called a conspiracy theorist but thankfully now we have the proof to back us up.

However, now we are told to believe fluoride in toothpaste is good for our teeth. This message is backed by the same people who promoted fluoride in our water.

So it makes you think how good their judgment is.

Final Thoughts

Could fluoride help protect your teeth?

I personally don’t think so, or at least, it’s nothing like what your body can do, if you allow it to.

But even if fluoride has a small benefit, is it worth the negative effects?

Especially since there are so many real life examples, showing us we don’t need fluoride to have great dental health.

The truth is humans have depended on healthy and cavity-free teeth for our entire existence. Think back to the times where humans had to hunt for their food. There were no dentists or soft foods to chew on. And without teeth we simply would not survive.

Which is why our bodies have built in systems like remineralization to help protect our teeth and don’t need the help of an unnatural substance like fluoride. Our bodies didn’t need it for thousands of years and it doesn’t need it now.

Anyways, that wraps up this article.

If you have any questions or even complaints, feel free to use the buttons below to contact me.

Casey J Krol

Casey J Krol

The guy exposing the truth about fluoride, one great article at a time. Now if you’d like to support what I do, click the “donate” button below. While for any questions, use the other buttons to get in touch with me (IG or Twitter). Better yet, sign up with your email on the website and get access to my personal email.

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