When I first heard about fluoride, I thought fluoride shower filters were a MUST have.
Why would I want to bathe in fluoride?
And if you’re anything like me, you want to eliminate all fluoride exposure.
However, after buying, using and testing one of the best rated fluoride shower filters from Amazon, I uncovered a shocking truth.
NOTE: Truth About Fluoride is reader-supported. When you buy through links on the site, I may earn a commission (every product is bought, tested & used by myself. With only the best being recommended)
Do Fluoride Shower Filters Remove Fluoride?
Whoever you are, I’m sure we can agree it would be a great idea for a fluoride shower filter to remove fluoride.
However, you can’t always trust a company’s word about their product.
Some brands don’t care if they lie, as long as you buy and they make money. Plus how would you ever know?
So to find out if fluoride shower filters remove fluoride, I’m going to test it with a fluoride meter.
And the first step is to test the fluoride levels of my shower before filtering…
The fluoride meter registered 0.6 ppm of fluoride in my shower’s water.
Now let’s add the fluoride shower filter and see if it filters out fluoride….
So, do fluoride shower filters remove fluoride?
According to the fluoride meter, fluoride shower filters do NOT remove fluoride. As fluoride levels were 0.6 ppm before filtering and 0.6 ppm after filtering with a “fluoride” shower filter.
The only difference is I have $30 less in my wallet.
BUT I do have good news.
How To Deal With LYING Brands…
If you’re looking for fluoride shower filters, I think it’s safe to assume you have a water filter.
Now unfortunately, there are many brands that also lie about their filters being able to remove fluoride. So there’s a good chance you may have a water filter that does NOT remove fluoride.
To help you find out if you were tricked, I’ve taken the test results of 33+ brands and put it into one PDF.
And all you have to do is enter your email below and I’ll send you the test results right away.
Enter your email below to receive fluoride test results on 41+ water filters + my top picks!
In fact, it’s very shocking how many brands I’ve caught lying.
Even best-selling “fluoride” water filters almost every website promotes, are filters that can NOT remove fluoride.
For instance, Aquagear is known as one of the best filters for fluoride but in do Aquagear water filters remove fluoride – it was found to have no effect on fluoride, as fluoride content was 0.6 ppm before and after filtering.
In other words, take advantage of the free PDF.
Why Can’t Shower Filters Remove Fluoride?
The quick and simple answer is that as of now, it’s impossible to remove fluoride as quickly as a shower filter needs to.
Fluoride is one of the hardest contaminants to remove and water filters need time to remove it. This is why out of all the 33+ filters I’ve tested, only the ones that took their time could remove fluoride.
Which is even true when it comes to reverse osmosis filters.
The brands that took their time, removed ALL fluoride while the brands that filtered water too quickly, only removed HALF of the fluoride.
Do I Need To Use A Fluoride Shower Filter?
The good news is that NO specific studies prove that fluoride is absorbed through the skin.
Which makes sense…
If fluoride could enter the body through the skin in large amounts, it would become obvious in high risk individuals like swimmers, people who take long baths/showers, and anyone else who is exposed to fluoridated water frequently.
But for the record, I do believe some fluoride probably does get into your body while you shower or bath. Either through direct skin absorption or through inhaling it (especially for those that take extremely hot showers where there’s a lot of steam).
Either way, that’s just my guess.
Plus you’re better off doing a bunch of other things that are more important.
For example, if you drink tea, you should know some teas contain 7X the amount of fluoride found in tap water (green and black tea is loaded with fluoride).
Now let me explain myself a bit more…
What Should You Do NOW?
To make myself clear, I do believe the water we bathe in affects our health.
BUT the effect it has is small compared to what we put into out bodies.
This is why there are certain things you should focus on that will help your health A LOT more…
Obviously the most important thing is to drink water that does not contain fluoride so sign up for the free PDF mentioned above or use my fluoride water filters guide (link to guide) to choose one for yourself.
That’s where I take all 33+ filters I’ve tested and give you the best 3 to choose from.
Besides that, feel free to browse around the website to find a bunch of other useful information to live a fluoride-free life.
Anyways, there you have it, the truth about fluoride in regards to fluoride shower filters.
If you enjoyed this article, consider helping expose the truth about fluoride by sharing this article with your friends and family, using the sharing buttons below! Many people have no clue that their “fluoride” shower filter does NOT filter fluoride.